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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Duchess of Whimsy

de Seve, R. (2009). The Duchess of whimsy. New
York: Philomel.

Readers who are out of high school or at least middle school will identify with this sweet picture book.  The Duchess of Whimsy, is a really busy noblewoman who must plan a dinner party.  She is caught up in the how's and why's and doesn't have time for "the little people"---those people who aren't cool or powerful or beautiful.  These are the people that others don't have time for and usually ignore.  Only every now and then do we get the chance or take the opportunity to actually look around.  That is what happens to the Duchess.  This fellow who is not cool or part of the "in" crowd, finally gets the attention of the Duchess (whom he has admired for some time but from whom can't even get the time of day!).  He doesn't do it by being flashy or pouting or doing something dramatic.  He simply steps out of the hustle and bustle that is characteristic of the life of a cool or powerful person.  When the Duchess sees what he is doing (or not doing, in this case), she finally sees HIM.  Readers will enjoy this story and, likely, will see something in common with their own lives and experiences.  The pictures aren't hard on the eyes either!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice reminder of perspective the Duchess of Whimsy offers! Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'd like to return the favor with one that popped to mind in response. It's a classic kids book that I only recently heard about but just adored. It's called The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, illustrations by Jules Feiffer. Man oh man! It's a very clever and creative way to give readers young and old some new perspectives about things, too. It's loaded with allegorical monsters such as the Triple Demons of Compromise and the Gorgons of Hate and Malice and it sends us traveling over all sorts of places I know I've been--the Foothills of Confusion and the Mountains of Ignorance to add two, only to come out wiser on the other end. If you haven't already, do check it out!
